I Started the Year with Dirty Bedsheets ... and It's Okay
It’s that time again! First month of the first quarter of the new year when everyone is talking about resolutions and goals! And while I had all intentions to do the same …
I just couldn’t keep up with the demands and weight of daily life.
There were so many things to do and places to be. I scrambled around cleaning and getting things in order in an effort to start the year on a fresh, polished slate. I imagined I’d wake up January 1st to a pristine home, clear countertops, and a calm mind. The perfect setup to reflect, set my intentions, and step into the new year feeling centered and accomplished.
Not only was I so far from what I envisioned … I woke up on the same crumpled, dirty bedsheets I’d been sleeping on for weeks because I didn’t have time to change them before hurrying off to New Year’s Eve plans. Text messages on the morning of New Year’s day were coming through inquiring about my goals for the year and there … criticism and shame crept in like an uninvited guest.
How could I have started the first day of the new year in such shambles and an absolute mess?
If this is my beginning, how will the rest of the year unfold?
Everyone else got it together to ring in the new year and then there’s me.
Amid the noise of self-doubt, a quiet, gentle remainder surfaced …
It’s okay.
I started the year off surviving the chaos of life .. and that’s okay. It’s a new year and there would be no new me … and that’s okay.
As I peeled back the layers of everything I am not, I was left with everything I already am … and I remembered - I really like her. I’m walking into the new year, not with proclamations of who I will become or what I will accomplish, but with me - the imperfect, messy, resilient me.
I hope you give yourself permission to do the same.
Before all the ideals of what you wish to become and accomplish - I hope you celebrate the version of you that got you to 2025 and honor the journey that’s brought you here today. You are deserving and worthy of so much love … especially from yourself.